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The Cowgirl is appreciative of your feedback! Include Cowgirl Gold Seasonings & Mixes into your next meal and share your thoughts.

seasonings LINEUP
Cowgirl Gold Seasonings & Mixes are made with the highest quality spices and herbs. Cowgirl designed to take the guess work out of seasoning your food…SIMPLE, but delicious every time! Spruce up your favorite dishes or use one of The Cowgirl’s recipes.

Cowgirl Gold Steak Marinade
“During our family camp outs, steak night is always the favorite! My Cowgirl Gold Steak Marinade will keep the wiliest of strays coming back to your campfire!”
Generously coat each steak with Cowgirl Gold Steak Marinade. For best absorption, cover and store in cooler or refrigerator for 6 hours. Sear both sides of each steak over a hot fire till slightly crispy on the surface. Move steaks to the outside edge of grill to continue cooking. Watch my video for tips!
Cowgirl Gold Steak Marinade is a fantastic add to many dishes…try it on your burgers, salmon, chicken, pork and even on your vegetables!

salsa mix
“My herd loves Cowgirl Gold Salsa while they’re waiting for supper or just sitting around the campfire! It also keeps them from hanging over my shoulder while I’m cookin’!”
Simply combine 2 Tbsp Cowgirl Gold Salsa mix with 2 cans of petite diced tomatoes. Mash tomatoes with a potato masher or take for a couple of spins in your food processor. Let stand at least 30 minutes. Too spicy or not spicy enough? Add more or less salsa mix to get it just right!
Check out the recipes below to see some of the many ways you can use Cowgirl Gold Salsa Mix!

Cowgirl Gold Fruit Yogurt Mix
“My family needs something nutritious and tasty for that breakfast on the go! My fruit yogurt mix is perfect…you can mix it up the night before and fill disposable cups with yummy fruit and yogurt. I just hand them out as they go out the door! No more throwing away fresh fruit that didn’t get used!”
Empty contents in a bowl and stir in 2 cups of Greek Yogurt, let stand in the fridge for 30 minutes and serve!

Cowgirl Gold Barbecue Rub
“Chicken and ribs can’t be left off our family camp out menu! My Cowgirl Gold Barbecue Rub in easy to carry along the trail and will make even a jack rabbit taste delicious!”
Generously coat chicken or pork ribs with Cowgirl Gold Barbecue Rub. For best flavor, let set in a cooler or refrigerator for 1 hour. Sear both sides of chicken or ribs over hot fire till slightly crispy on surface. Move meat to outside edge of grill to continue cooking.
Check out these recipes for more ways to use Cowgirl Gold Barbecue Rub!

Cowgirl Gold Cocoa Mix
“Chilly evenings around the campfire call for my Cowgirl Gold Cocoa Mix! The perfect way to end a day of wrangling cattle! Try substituting the hot water for hot coffee…delicious!”
Stir in 3 Tbsp of Cowgirl Gold Cocoa Mix in a cup of hot water. Top with whipping cream and drizzle with chocolate syrup or caramel syrup.
Try these great recipes, too!

cowgirl gold products
Gussy up with Cowgirl Gold’s signature apron and fetching t-shirts.

mail order cowgirl
Cowgirl Gold Seasonings & Mixes are available for purchase within our Facebook store. Free shipping on all orders of $100 or more!
The Cowgirl’s Story
Fundraising opportunites
Cowgirl Gold is committed to successfully helping organizations and groups meet or exceed their fundraising goals.
Cowgirl Gold seasonings and mixes burst with vibrant flavors and are crafted with only the highest quality ingredients.
Guaranteed to be a crowd pleaser and you can claim the grilling braggin’ rights!
Fill out the form below to receive more information.

Made in Oklahoma
Afton, Oklahoma
Contact us
Open Hours
M-F: 8am – 5pm